Darshana Jhaveri
(Recipient of National SNA Award,
President 's Padmashri Award)
Director Manipuri Nartanalaya,
(Mumbai ,Kolkata,Manipur)
I have known Guru Smt.Jayashri Nair for many years in Mumbai as a very knowledgeable Guru, dancer having mastery over Mohiniattam
and Bharatanatyam dance styles.She has an exceptional creative talent which is discernible in her many choreographic works. A meticulous teacher having trained
many students including her daughter disciple Sujata Nair to become accomplished artists who are regularly performing under Upaasana ,her institution which has made its name participating in many festivals and Conferences in Mumbai and other parts of India. Upaasana arranges Competitions, big festivals, lecDems,presenting Dance dramas,Programs of high standard.
Smt.Jayashri Nair is a very warm ,sincere, hard working,dedicated Guru.Her contribution to promote and propagate our Classical Indian dance art is unparalleled.
I,Darshana Jhaveri, one of the four Jhaveri Sisters,specialized in Classical Manipuri Dance for the last 60 years to preserve,perpetuate, & propagate under Guru Bipin Singh,feel fortunate to have come in very close contact with such a well known Guru Smt. Jayashri Nair. I wish Upaasana a great success.

Dr. Wilson Varghese
Senior Economist and Advisor (retd)
Formerly of the International Monetary Fund , Canada
Good to note that Upaasana now has gone live with a well-designed and functioning website. Delighted to note the contents of the website.
I have watched some of the performances put forth by Upaasana students and Sujatha. I have greatly appreciated Sujatha’s various performances, what immediately comes to mind is Sujatha’s recent performance telling the story of Lord Krishna and one of His devotees. Her performance was nothing short of stunning and heart warming. At the end of the performance, it brought tears to my eyes, resonating the feelings of the devotee. Truly touching and remarkable.
I know, the success of this and other performances, in no uncertain terms, is attributable to Mrs. Jayashree and her unique approach to storytelling and choreography.
Warmest regards and every success to Upaasana and its students.

Namaste !! Throughout 4 decades i have known Smt.jayashree nair – founder director of Upaasana Akademy of Fine Arts. She is a wonderful soul; her commitment, hardwork, and self confidence has helped her greatly in making upaasana a wonderful place for upcoming dancers to learn new skills and new dance techniques. It’s about discipline,commitment,and most importantly it’s about our friendship that we have grown it beautifully; since then i have been always welcomed with your fantastic team !! Smt. Sujata Nair – executive director , performer and a very talented personality has been like a star who has grown with a bunch of wonderful, dedicated , passionate and patiently understanding the needs of family tradition and their dance institution. May Luck surround you always and may God always shower blessings to your institution. Lucky to be a part of your institution for decades as an instrumental accompanist as well as an instructor.

P. S. Subramaniyan
Hon. Secretary,
Managing Trustee,
I am happy to know that Upasana Academy of Fine Arts has launched a website to promote its activities. Upasana is the brain child of Smt. Jayashree Nair and her husband Shri T Sudhakaran Nair. Both are sincere, hardworking and dedicated for the promotion of Bharatanatyam and Mohiniyatam. Jayashree is a reputed teacher and excellent choreographer. Her unique style of story telling and choreography is so evident in all her productions.
Smt. Jayashree is a faculty member of our Shanmukhapriya Dance Class teaching Bharatanatyam and Mohini Aattam for the last 4 decades.
Many students learnt under her tutelage have established their own institute not only in Mumbai but also in other parts of the country and abroad.
She is the co-ordinator of Natyanjali Dance Festival that Shanmukhapriya organises every year on the occasion of Maha Sivaratri for the past 15 years. Natyanjali has become very popular and dancers of all styles from all over the country and abroad are participating.
Upasana's contribution for the promotion of art and culture is laudable and I convey my best wishes to Upasana family more and more success in the years to come.

It is my pleasure and privilege to offer my best wishes and prayers to Upaasana broadly for two reasons. First and foremost is that Upaasana is the brainchild of Smt. Jayashree Nair one of the world renowned exponents of Indian Classical dances. She, according to me, is one of the living legends of Natyashasthra propounded by great Indian sage Bharathamuni. In an era witnessing cultural renaissance in India Smt. Nair's contributions to protection, promotion and preservation of Indian Classical Dances and Culture should be applauded by all Indians because her attempts have been successfully accomplished through Upaasana. Second reason is that Sujatha, daughter of Smt. Jayashree Nair has imbibed all the noblest qualities from her mother to take the mission ahead. I have no doubts that Sujatha an exemplary dancer herself will bring more laurels to Upaasana and this is evident from the superior performance of her students. I wish Upaasana all the best and always.

Ramesh Ramamoorthy,
President - Managing Committee,
The Fine Arts Society
Huge Congratulations to Guruji Jayashree akka and UPAASANA for their wonderful service to humanity by promoting our arts and culture for several decades. Her Choreography is always awesome ,her students outshine each other. I am very proud of her achievements and her dedication.I have always been mesmerised by the performances of all her students. I would add that we are both alumni of SIWS School Wadala - an additional reason for me to be proud of her .I wish her all the best to continue to serve the humanity for centuries.

K G Raman ,
Retired Reserve Bank official
This is the 45th year of functioning of Upaasana under the Most Able Leadership of its Founder Member Smt. Jayashree Nair. Smt Jayashree has nurtured & developed the Institution to it glorious heights of what it is today . Under the auspices of Upaasana, thousands of students , right from young talents have grown & carved out a name for themselves in different styles of Bharatnatyam , Mohiniattam, Odissi. Smt . Jayashree Nair , is a non assuming , dedicated lady who has surrendered herself to Lord Krishna with her famous terminology of " Krushnaarppanam " It is a matter of great pride that she has groomed her daughter Sujata Nair & grand daughter Sharanya in different forms of dance. Smt. Sujata Nair has carved out a niche for herself with many of her glittering Bharatnatyam Performances . God Bless Jayashree Nair & her team to climb to still greater heights & make Upaasana , a Household Name . Once again Kudos to Smt. Jayashree Nair & her Able Team for their Fantastic Achievements .
God Bless them & Upaasana.

Fr. Albert Gonsalves.
Fatima High School
God the Almighty has blessed every human being with the showers of blessings, talents, goodness and creativity. But human being keep them hidden under the cover of ignorance.To carve out or to bring out that talents goodness and creativity one needs experts. These experts in the form of choreographers, drawing masters, musicians,singers, painters and decorators help the human beings in bringing out their hidden treasures. Upaasana dance academy is one of the them which is doing great work of bringing out the talent of dance in students. The choreographers are well versed in classical dance. They have trained students of Fatima school at Vidyavihar for various programmes and for graduation. The choreographers are dedicated and experienced and skilled in classical dance. They bring out the talent of dance and mould the students accordingly. I have seen them and experienced myself their efforts and perseverance doing so. I sincerely appreciate the work done by the Upaasana dance academy. And Wish them all good in future endeavours.

Charusheela Sable Vachhani
Film & Theater Artist
I am an ex student of Nalanda, disciple of Dr Kanak Rele (Mohiniattam) and Krishnan Kutty Warrior (Kathakalli). I have performed in various occasions in India and abroad too. I am also a film n theater personality. My father, a legend in Maharashtra folk theatre, Padmashree Shahir Sable has sown the seeds of theatre in my heart and I have given some successful performances in the field of film and theatre, most popular amongst them being Maharashtra chi Lokdhara , a very successful show.
My dearest friend Jayashree Nair has totally given her life to classical dance I have been following her work since in this field since 1976 ,her institution Upaasana has been performing around the world and also conducting workshops. presentation somtimes for charity also n in so many classical dance forms like Mohniattam, oddisi, Bharatanatyam n Carnatic sangeet. I have also seen her presentations choreographed by her n her very talented daughter Sujatha Nair. They also spread social messages very beautifully. I am very happy that her daughter Sujatha is continuing her legacy and also now the third generation sharanya is also joining them to take forward upaasana's heritage. My regards n best wishes to Upaasna n all these lovely ladies who are contributing so much for classical dance.

Process Automation & Control
In this Great Divine Creation, we find ART in all creatures, and Humans - the Most Superior of them all on Earth, has been gifted with Very Many Fine form of Arts & Creativity. As a Scientist and Sportsman having a taste for Arts, I admire the Dedicated, Tireless Efforts of UPAASANA, in the Uplift of these Dance Arts. Dance and Music are the Most Expressive form of it. INDIA a centre of OLDEST Civilization has the best of it. UPAASANA School of Dance with its Dedicated & Most Knowledgeable Teachers with High Conventional Knowledge & Creative Innovative Ideas, are grooming one of the Finest Dancers in BharatNatyam, MohiniAatam and many more. We ALL Art Lovers wish the The Very Best and Great Success to UPAASANA.

Indumati Raman
Author- Bhagavata Mela- My Tryst with Tradition
Congratulations to Smt. Jayashree Nair, Sujatha Nair and the entire team for completing forty years dedicated to promoting our tradition of Natyam to youngsters. I have known Jayashree since 1997 when Sujatha was selected to be awarded the Ranga Shree award. Sujatha has gone forward to be a supreme example of her mother’s training , excelling in Mohini Attam, Bharata Natyam and music. Upaasana has proved to be a success story in all aspects- be it dance ballets, Natyanjali festivals or collaborative work. I wish the institution all the very best in futur

Manjula Cherkil
Research Associate, Writer and Translator
Five College Women Study Center, USA
I had the privilege of acquainting with Upasana Academy of Fine Arts, watching a program by Sujatha Nair and group at Chottanikkara temple, sometime back.
It was very easy to connect with the music and dance. The performers were wonderful and did a great job. One could relate to their joy and enthusiasm.
Wonderful production, dancers so expressive and poised, lovely costumes and enchanting music. Everything about it was gorgeous.
All my best wishes to Upasana in its endeavors to keep the traditional South Indian classical dance forms alive and well.

Jayakumar Thekath
Vice President of ABB (retd)
Congratulations to Upaasana on the launch of your own website. I am sure this will be a great inspiration for the many of the Indian Classical Dance lovers .Would also like to mention here the dedication of Jayashree, Sujatha and their family members , towards development and betterment of this art of Dance. All the very best once again

Prakriti Kashyap,
Bharatnatam and Seraikella Chau Dancer, Researcher and Writer
My heartiest congratulations and best wishes to dear Jayashree, her pillars of strength her husband Sudhakar ji and very talented daughter Sujata. They through Upaasana are extending commendable service to the field of Dance for more than four decades. Wishing them huge success in their all artistic endeavors.

Mary Thomas
Congrats Jayashree and Sujata. I have known Jayashree from school days. Admire her dedication and perseverance. Programs staged have excellent choreography Music style grace and a treat to watch. Jayashree and Sujata is a gift to the dance industry . Stay blessed and surpass new heights. Lots of love

Sr. Managing Committee Member,
Sri Subramania Samaj
President, Chhedanagar Education Society
I had the opportunity to meet Smt Jayashree Nair in early 80s at Thiruchembur Murugan Temple, where we started Dance classes at the Samaj and she was a teacher. Smt Jayahree Nair's dedication to this ancient art is really remarkable. A simple down-to-earth person, she never called her as "Guru" as she always says "I still have to learn a lot in this field and I am just a teacher and not a Guru". That's the humility that needs to be appreciated. At Natyanjali Dance Festival at Sri Subramania Samaj, she has been coordinating in scheduling the programmes and thus satisfying every aspiring young artist to demonstrate their talent on the stage in front of Lord Nataraja. Behind every successful woman, there is a man. Shri Sudakaran Nair deserves all accolades for his "behind the stage contribution". God has blessed them with a daughter - Smt Sujatha Sanjay Nair who under the tutelage of her mother has excelled in every category - be it Bhartanatyam Mohiniattam or Odissi and is a first grade artist. A simple family with abundant talent and rich experience, they will make Upasana as the most sought after institution for the young aspiring children. I wish them all the very best.

Chandra Subramanian
Bharatanatyam Artiste, Choreographer and Dance Teacher
Founder Member of BHAWA, an association that promotes Indian Classical Dance in the UAE.
Congratulations on the launch of Upaasana’s website. One more feather in the cap of Upaasana. I have the honour and privilege of knowing Jayashree ma’am since my childhood. I have seen Upaasana growing from strength to strength thanks to her dedication, commitment, and untiring efforts.
Jayashree ma’am’s passion for Indian classical dance is laudable and, her ability to spot and nurture talents is noteworthy. Many of her students achieved great heights under her guidance and tutelage. Jayashree ma’am is an epitome of simplicity and modesty, and I draw inspiration from her work ethos.
Jayashree ma’am is in the forefront of promoting the art she has excelled over the years. Recently I had an opportunity of performing in the Natyanjali Dance Festival of Sree Subramania Samaj Temple, Chembur organized under her guidance and supervision. I was amazed by the impeccable arrangements made for the program beginning with the selection of performing artistes to the scheduling of program and onstage performances. Natyanjali was a testimony of her organizational skills in managing high profile events.
I am sure Upaasana will scale more magnificent peaks under Jayashree ma’am’s leadership with strong support from her protégé Mrs. Sujatha Nair. May God bless Jayashree ma’am with the strength and energy to continue to promote the divine art of Indian classical dance with the same passion and spirit hitherto shown.

Kgs viswanathan
Tax professional
and a recognised Tamil poet
Upaasana The word itself denotes worship.
We SIWS school is proud of our School Classmate Jayashree who founded this academy Specially prompting. Bharathanatyam to students from all linguistic region and caste.
I have witnessed several of Dance ballet of Upaasana and. Found that students of this academy are dedicated &talented
And have excelled through Guru Jayashree's
Training. Upaasana through dance programs promote our. Sanatana Dharma , Akhanda Bharath culture. Advaitham and Dwaitham and through dance ballets focus on our epics
Ramayana , Mahabharatha , Bhagavatham and Krishnas miracles. I have no doubt thatto say that Upaasana has grown up with huge student base only because of great Guru. Jayashree with her dedication, hardwork, sincerity to profession
And depth of knowledge in Bharatha natyam.
It is high time our Modi govt recognise the profound talent and give her a padmashree.

Suman Badami
Natya Vimarsha Centre for Dance
A revered Guru, a great exponent and a wonderful artist , Guru Jayashree Nair ji has nurtured, trained and encouraged several students in learning and excelling in the classical dance forms of Bharatanatyam and Mohiniyattam, with dedication and passion at her institution Upaasana Academy. I enjoy all their performances as they are so creatively put together with wonderful themes and choreography that are a delight to watch. Her talented and accomplished daughter Sujatha Nair has imbibed the same sincerity and dedication as her illustrious mother and I have always admired the intensity and focus she brings to her performances . It is wonderful to see young Sharanya blossom under the guidance of her grandmother and mother. The Natyanjali Festival curated by Guru Jayashree, at the Subramanya Samaj temple, with great care to showcase upcoming talent, senior dancers and Natyacharyas is one of the most prestigious festivals and draws artists and audience from all over. The warmth and hospitality of the organisers and the divine ambience of the festival is what makes this very special. My humble Pranams and Best Wishes always to Guru Jayashree ji and all at Upaasana for scaling even greater heights in their service to the arts.

Ramchandran Iyer
It has been a fascinating experience with Upaasana almost
four and half decades .Upaasana is one of the premium academies
catering to the various styles of Indian classical dance. Be it Bharatha Naatyam, or Mohini Aattam, or Kathakali or even Odissey, Upaasana is the first name that comes to my mind. I have accompanied three generations of dancers from Upaasana and I have no hesitation to say that the experience has been just fantastic. On this auspicious occasion of the launch, I wish the best of everything to Jayashri, Sudhakar, Sujata, Saranya and all the proud Upaasanites.

Muralidharan Kizhakkedath
Retired Scientific Officer
I have great pleasure to hear the launching of the website and wish you all the best in your future endeavors to promote young talents in Indian Traditional art forms throughout the world even in these trying times of a pandemic through the tireless efforts of Smt.Jayasree Nair and colleagues ,🙏🤗
Wishing all the artists a bright future ahead

V. Radhakrishnan.
Chemical Corporation Of India.
Hats off to UPAASANA Dance Academy for reaching to such great heights, giving brilliant performances throughout India apart from training students of varying ages in classical dance forms.
Am really proud to be associated with UPAASANA & my everlasting prayers & blessings.

Proud to see the upliftment of Indian culture thro your group Upaasna . Credit goes to its Guru for having pushed their group for it’s perfection . Really proud of you 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

My daughter, Radhika started learning dance with Mrs. Jayashree Nair when she was 6 yrs old. She studied dance with her all through school and college and completed her arangetram as well. During this time, she also participated in numerous dance ballets. This is not just a regular dance academy. This is truly a family and have stood by us through a lot of difficult times. Jayashree teacher inculcates values in the children, helps build their character and is indeed like a mother to all. Her daughter, Sujata and her are both so passionate about dance and are the most wonderful instructors. I am extremely glad that we are a part of the Upaasana Academy family and highly recommend it.

Nisha Gilbert ,
( Nupur School of Dance)
It was a fascinating experience to learn under Guru Smt.Jayashree Nair and Guru Smt.Sujatha Nair. It's a treat to watch Jayashree ma'am's Choreography. The explanations and interpretations which she shares during class hours are really helpful to guide one dancer to be perfect in that presentation and thus to know more nuances of the particular presentation in detail. The most and beautiful virtues which l have seen in both the gurus are ,they are modest and they do admire all the artists without being judgemental of their calibre n efficiency.

Shashibala Clement Sequeira
I know Jayashree since our School days. She learned dancing from a renowned dance teacher at an early age. The creativity, choreography, expression, style, moves, grace and flow are the main techniques of dancing and Jayashree has mastered and incorporated all these traits in her dancing. When she performs it looks like she is born to dance. Jayashree knows how to connect with the audience. She is truly a gifted dancer.Jayashree nows runs a dance class where her daughter Sujata and granddaughter Sharanya are her ardent students.I wish Jayashree all the best in her future endeavours.

Koattakkal Jayan
The international centre for Kathakali,
Vocalist and Teacher
I am very happy to be associated with Upaasana. Every time I come to Mumbai for Upaasana programs, it is almost like a family union. I thoroughly enjoy composing and singing for the performances. I have no words to talk about the programs; wonderful choreography and perfect presentation. I am lucky and feel proud to be working with you, Jayashree Chechi and Sujatha.

Priya Ramesh
Every form of art has its own niche! Dance is the only form , where one emotes only through the eyes! The gestures and steps definitely have their roles, but a dancer’s eyes are the soul of the character they play. I have been fortunate enough to have had an opportunity to cherish some soul satisfying performances by Smt. Sujatha Nair, daughter of Smt. Jayshree Nair who is the founder of Upaasana !!! One of her heart melting work that I enjoyed is Bhaktha Meera and Draupadi ! And I must say, tears flowed out of my eyes whilst I saw her play these characters through her dance. I was choked for a while, and it took me a little while to compose myself and continue watching.
How blessed is someone to get her own mother as her Guru for dance. God bless them for many more divine works.
I warmly send out positive vibes to Upaasana! God bless always!

Jayshree Vasudevan
Performing artist
Jayshree Nair and dance are synonymous, one cannot be without the other.
My association with Jayshree goes a long long way. We started our training in dance with the same Guru, but I’ve had the pleasure of catching up with my dance and performing once again under her supervision and under the banner of Upaasana. I have yet to come across such dedication, hard work and unconditional love for the art form, as I’ve seen in her. To be able to create a visual treat on stage with her dedicated students, is her forte. Adhering to the tradition of style, be it Bharata Natyam or Mohiniattam, Jayshree can transform and transport you with ease to another world of magic and wonder and of Bhakti and Samarpanam.
I would conclude by saying that her students are blessed to have her as their mentor, as she has been for me, a friend, guide and philosopher. Am certain, she along with her better half Mr Sudhakaran Nair, their lovely talented daughter Sujatha and now their ever so vibrant granddaughter Sharanya, will carry forward this legacy of dance for the benefit of future generations.
My best wishes to Upaasana and it’s members for their future endeavours. Namaskaram!

Girish Vasudevan
Director of Orion enterprises Pvt Ltd
Over the past several years, due to my wife’s association with Upaasana, I have had several opportunities to observe the working methods of Jayashree Nair & her daughter Sujatha - ably assisted by Jayashree’s husband Sudhakaran. I have always admired the skill & devotion the entire team puts into their work be it teaching the students or dance production or involvement in social activities. In particular, I have thought very highly of Jayashree’s choreography & her knack of converting an idea into dance.
I, therefore, have no doubt that with the new website having been installed, Upaasana will only rise to greater heights.
My best wishes to them.

Jayanthi Krishnakumar
Retd Correspondent ,
Mohan Group of Schools & Writer
This happened 40 years ago in Cheddanagar , Mumbai. I went to Subramanya Swamy temple along with my four year old daughter. There, in a huge hall, I could see a tutor teaching Bharatanatyam to some students. Her dedication for the art, her patience in training the children, her eye for perfection and detail, inspired me and I immediately enrolled my daughter in their academy. From that day till her arangetram and beyond, my daughter was a part of the Upaasana family. We then moved to Hyderabad. Though my daughter could never give up the passion for the art, she couldn’t find a Guru who could even come close to what Jayashree Teacher was for her. In Mind, Heart and Art. Now after 25 years, her thirst for dancing is being quenched as she now continues her training under Guru Jayashree Nair, her most adorned Guru.
As a parent , I have great admiration for Teacher. She would repeatedly make her students practice adavus, perfect the basics, till she is satisfied. In these many years I have never seen teacher scold a child or speak in anger. When students go wrong, her stern look was sufficient to correct them. They all love her, adore her. May God give her all the strength to reach highest pinnacles in her passion & art.

Geeta Naidu
Upaasana ka laakshanik (metaphorical) arth hai kisi vastu mein honewali atyadhik aasakti (attachment) ya usi mein bhaav magna hone ki bhaavna.
Bhaav shringaar ka hai vishal aakaar
In a monument of bhaav shringaar
Sanjo rakha hai ek parivar
A beautiful family has been formed
Ek mala ke moti hai sab
The students are all beads of one necklace
Shiksha ke mandir ki jyoti hai sab
They are all the lamps of the temple of education
Nahin hai yeh keval ek mahavidyalay ka praangan
It’s not just the quadrangle of an institution
Yeh toh hai sneh, bhaav-bhakti se saja
Shree 'Upaasana' ke ghar ka aangan
It’s the beautiful courtyard of Shree Upaasana that has been decorated with love, bhaav-Bhakti

Hema Subramanian
Consulting Nutritionist and Dietician
Upaasana Academy , run by Guru Jayshree Nair and Sujatha Nair , is a blessing from the Lord Nataraja in the present age. Their dedication , compassion and their love which is entrusted in their students and their families is just wonderful and beyond any words I have known both the Gurus for many many years. Their Sadhana n devotion is a blessing in disguise. I would wish them the best and encourage more and more young kids to join the Academy and take the best from them.All the best. Keep up the good work n devotion to the Lord

Sudha Bharat, Art Director,
Drishya Kala Academy, Chennai
Smt. Jayashree Nair has been closely associated with our family, she being one of the long time student of my father-law late Shri G.V. Ramani.
She is deeply committed to spreading this art form. She is very approachable and ready to help. I wish her all success.

Sanjay Nair
Field and Access Management
Tech Support
I alongside with my family from Melbourne,Australia wish Smt Jayashree Nair and Sujatha Nair all the very best on the launch of Upaasana Website. I have known Smt Jayashree Nair and family as she was my sister's guru and I have seen her up most sincerity, love ,passion & dedication towards the art of dance music that brought out the best in her students. I would like to say without any doubt that with the launch of Upaasana Website, both Smt Jayashree Nair and Smt Sujatha Nair will spread the art of India's oldest knowledge and art of Classical dance not only in India, but all over the world. May Goddesses Saraswati bestow her blessings on both the Guru and the students. Swami Saranam 🙏🙏

Guru Smt. Asha Nambiar
(Founder and President, Vaishnovi Kalakshetra)
I cherish my long standing association with Upaasana Academy of Fine Arts which is committed to nurturing and developing excellent dancers with a holistic understanding of the arts. I am sure that under the able leadership of Smt. Jayashree Nair ji and Smt. Sujatha Nair ji, the Upaasana Academy will reach even greater heights

Shree Chetan Venilal Saraiya
Nrityatapasya kathak academy
Upasaana institute" where Smt. Jayshree Nairji is a Great teacher, Mentor, Guru who not only teaches Indian form of Classical dances such as Bharathanatiyam and Mohiniattam but have also been instilling the Indian cultural values into the minds of young generation for almost 4 decades.
Her immense ocean of knowledge have helped many dancers across the country to be successful not only in their art but also in their life.
It would be a scarce attempt to describe Smt. Jayshree Nairji, as words are not enough to describe her and unveil her achievements.
I Mr. Chetan Saraiya (Kathak exponent) have known Smt. Jayshree Nairji for almost 7 years now and with each day the bond with her has been strengthened as it is connected with the cord of the Universal Language of Music and Dance.
Smt Jayshree Nairji has provided renowned festival platforms like Natyanjali to the young budding dancers of all the Classical dances of India.
I give my very best to Smt. Jayshree Nairji for all her future ventures and hope she keeps spreading knowledge of our dance culture and traditions all over the world.
With Best Compliments and wishes...

Guru.Dr.Naresh Pillai.
Artistic Director (www.knafoundation.com)
*Human* being movements have aesthetic and symbolic value, and are acknowledged as *beautiful* dancing .
The value of dance is self creation and *fulfillment by* using your body to create art and to access your inner beauty and strength.
A beautiful performance is very inner emotional and *stepping inside it/into it deeply*. This will distinguish *between* dancer to dancer. Dancing is a great activity to the rigours of dancing life.
Smt. Jayashree Nair is really working very hard and getting ready for the shows. Her Institute Upaasana shows very unique performances from time to time. She has been training hard, and promoting our culture. I am proud of her and wishing her and her disciples all success and future endeavour .

Chief Coach,Quest Sales Training Academy,
I am Karthikeyan from Chennai, some one whose passion is in Theatre, arts & Life skills.
I am a regular invitee to share the wisdom from spiritual texts like- Bhagawath Gita, Thirukural.
I have also acted in a Movie " on a quest" , a biopic on Swami Chinmayananda. I played the role of Swami Tapovan Maharaj, guru of swamiji.
Testimonial Part
At Outset my hearty wishes for "Upaasana" akademy of fine arts for its success in the endeavor to inspire the masses through dance forms.
I know Smt.Jayashree Nair through my brother Sri.P.V.Menon, mumbai.
I am always amazed at Smt.Jayashree's passion for dance , and leveraging it as a medium to communicate thevancient wisdom
through devotion, dedication.
When the communication is delivered with music and baava, the reach then becomes a miracle .
In Smt.Jayashree's lineage,her daughter Smt.Sujatha Nair & grand daughter Ms. Sharanya, also now carrying forward this significance of Bharathanatyam and Mohiniyattaam to seekers.
How "Upaasana" as a dance academy stands out clearly is their contribution to special causes!! & to mention one is, their series of Concert Dance ( mythological balletsl) performed by specially enabled children across india.
This initiative requires commitment to larger cause, sacrifice , patience and unconditional love for these children.
What a positive impact it creates!!
Besides, putting smile on the face of the larger audience, How happy the children and parents would feel, seeing the kids performing.
I feel so proud about Smt.Jayashree, Smt.Sujatha & Ms Sharanya.
God bless you in abundance!!
Besides, academy has been imparting the regular stream of periodical training of Students from age of 3 and above, periodical show casing of their talent through, "Salanga pooja", "Arangetram" and theme Performances.
Way forward, am sure, in line with the purpose and vision, academy will keep graduating thousands of Dancers with Talent and keeping our Nation's rich heritage , in the fore front of the world of dance and music.
They have the blessings of Lord Supreme and the Victory Flag of "upasaana" will always keep flying high & high!!

Rtn. Kumar Pillay
Head Branding and Communications
Shree Cement Ltd
Club President
Rotary Club of Mumbai Ghatkopar(W)
Congratulations on creating a website for Upaasana. This was the need of the hour or else like unsung heroes your dedication and achievements will go unnoticed. Now that you have a platform to showcase your activities, it will be easier for Dance connoisseurs to engage and improve on their knowledge.
Probably you may need a portal to accommodate the laurels showered upon the respected Dance Teacher Jayashree Nair and her daughter Sujata. They deserve every bit of it. And not to forget the man behind the screen Mr. Sudhakaran Nair who with his knowledge and love for art has contributed tremendously to the growth of Upaasana.
What is special about Upaasana?
It has dedicated teachers like Jayashree Nair and Sujata Nair at the helm of affairs. Jayashree Nair seamlessly blends the Art and science of Dancing – one of the reasons for her emergence as an effective dance teacher. All dancers need not be good teachers. Selflessly imparting one’s own learning is an art in itself. Her ability to design courses and bring out the best even in an average student is commendable. She has also created a ballet with differently abled children.
I am sure if we were to do a DNA test her blood group will be D+ve (Dance +ve). From Childhood she was passionate about dance and she pursued it religiously, mastering every type of dance be it Bharatnatyam, Mohiniattam, Kathak or any form of folk dance. The audience looks forward to her innovation in every program as they know that she will scale up with every performance.
She is today a reputed and respected Dance teacher because she has presented spectacular dance performances on stage by students.
Her patience is unparalleled which is visible in the time she spends and the effort she puts into the training of each student.
With her latest step of venturing into south I am sure the students in that zone will stand to gain from her rich experience.
I wish her and Upaasana, all the best.

Ratnamani Shetty
Teacher Jayashree Nair is not like a Teacher, she is student's lovely Mother. She teaches first good discipline like Namaskaar to all Elders. Then she loves students like her own children. I know her very well since thirty-seven years. She teaches very nicely. I pray for her to God please give her good health
About Upaasana
I have known Upaasana too since thirty-seven years. Now it's students are all over India and other countries and they have also achieved good name in dance. Upaasana does good Ballets like Ramayana, Dashavatharam, Navavidha Bhakti & many more. They also perform many beautiful dances for Festivals like Onam & many more. God give Upaasana Academy good health & good strength. All the best & keep it up.

Raghuram Shetty
My Humble Pranams to Jayashree Teacher
Upaasana is a great name. As we all get mesmerized with the true combination of Melody & Rhythm - Upaasana is a true bonding of Guru & Shishya Parampara I am related to Upaasana since my Daughter was at the age of 4. Now we are bonded with true emotions like one Family Member
Jayashree Teacher is a Real Guru. Her thoughts her imaginations will take Upaasana to Greater heights. You will witness the same through her Ballet Dashavatharam. My best wishes always & God bless her

CIO (Retired )
Richness of India’s culture is immeasurable and the share of dance in this is indeed immense. Dance has traditionally been an important part of religion and culture in India.With hand gestures (Mudras), acting and pantomime this sacred art of dancing tells sacred tales from Indian Mythology and fascinatingly describes gods, men, animals and their emotions.
Preserving and promoting this form of Art is extremely crucial in maintaining this rich cultural heritage. Upaasana has indeed been doing a yeomen service to promote dance as a form of Art. Teaching this wonderful art and enabling youngsters to perform in public and giving an opportunity for rasikas to enjoy is a very noble deed from Upaasana.
Salute Jayashree Nair who started it 45 years ago and is still active in ensuring it grows and flourishes through her daughter Sujatha and other disciples. I had the fortune of witnessing the brilliant performances of the students.
Wish Upaasana all the very best to grow from strength to strength.

G. K. Edappally
(Author short stories and poems)
Upasana Academy of Classical Dance Mumbai is a very well organised Institution, dedicated to Indian Classical Dance and Indian culture. Founded by Smt. Jayashree Nair half a century back, the Institution has gone a long way in building up its commitment to the Nation in upbringing and spreading the traditional culture of India not only within the country, but also across the world.
Today Upasana has many disciples under the leadership of young Smt Sujatha Sanjay Nair, daughter of Smt. Jayashree and Sudhakaran Nair. Upasana has set up another School of Classical Performance recently at Coimbatore catering to many students at Southern part of India. Apart from Bharathanatyam, and Mohiniyattam Upasana has a lot of Balle’s to its credit viz. Dasavatharam, Ramayanam, Radha Madhavam etc and many more stories from Jayadeva’s Geetha Govindan.
I have been lucky to be associated with this proud Academy of Indian Classical Culture and I wish all success in every step of Upasana!!

K Parameswaran
Vice Chairman Dharmishta Mithran
Trustee, Modern English School.
I have the pleasure of being associated with Upasana Academy of Fine Arts, and have been watching its growth since the beginning, for over four decades .This is founded by the able Smt. Jayashree Nair, supported by Mr. Sudhakar Nair. The entire family, down to three generations ,is fully dedicated full time for the growth of this cultural organisation . The talent of Smt.Sujatha was always appreciated by my wife Smt. Sitalakshmi, who was Principal of her School. In fact ,my daughter, Kala was one of the students in the first batch of this Academy. I have had the opportunity to witness the efficient way of Academy’s handling ability in training the students. They have produced several mythological ballets in classical dance style. I am sure, it will reach a new height, every day.

Sucheta A. Menon
Home Maker
I admitted Aadhyaa into Upaasana Academy more than two years ago, when she was around 5 years of age, bearing many apprehensions and hesitations about her ability to grasp and deliver what is expected of a student of Bharatnatyam. However, her respected Gurus Jayashree Nair and Sujatha Nair, almost instantly put all my doubts and anxieties to rest. Their plausible experience in the field of Dance, commendable ability to recognize and bring out the best in their students, simplicity, discipline, dedication and admirable creativity in choreography simply won over our hearts. What also appealed to us is that the Academy offers both- sound practical and theoretical knowledge and provides the necessary acknowledgments for the same, which can go a long way in adding to their students’ credentials. Aadhyaa has gained far more than dance skills-poise and grace under their guidance, she has blossomed and grown in confidence, punctuality and many other positive character virtues. Upaasana Academy has truly stood up to the meaning behind its prestigious name “Upaasana” which means devotion, dedication and worship. It’s here that I picture my daughter progressing from a complete novice to a budding student to (by the Grace of the Almighty and blessings of her Gurus) a skilled executor and performer of this honorable dance form. Will always be grateful to Upaasana Dance Academy and these respectable Gurus.